B Tech Freshers Resume Format in Word Document

B.Tech - Information Technology
Contact number:  01234567890

 To Obtain a position in a people-oriented organization where I can maximize my experience in a challenging environment to achieve the corporate goals.

Key Technical Skills:

Operating System      
 Windows XP, Windows 7
Java Server Faces(JSF 2.0)
Web Technologies

Academic Background:

Collage Logo
Dr. ABC College of Engineering , Chennai
    • Affiliated to Anna University Chennai.
    • B.Tech - Information Technology
    • www.abc.org
    • CGPA of 8.90 - Passed out in May 2012

Collage Logo
St. XYZ  Higher Secondary School, Chennai
    • HSC - Aggregate of 92.50% - Passed out in March 2008
    • Xth Standard (Matriculation Board)
                                - Aggregate of 95.5% - Passed out in March 2006

Areas of interest:

v  Object Oriented Programming.

                         MINI PROJECT:
                                  I have completed Mini Project for “Payroll Processing System” using Microsoft Visual Basic as front end and Microsoft Access as back end.
                                 The mini project was created to keep a record of employee data including employee id,employee name,designation,HRA,DA,MA,grosspay,deduction and netpay.The database we are developing calculates the employee net pay and gross pay. My contribution in this project was to design the form and to handle the database entries.

             MAIN PROJECT:
                              My main project was “Human Action Recognition based on Subspace Analysis Method” .It deals with recognizing human action using Motion History Image and Principal Component Analysis method.Its done in Eclipse IDE(JDK 1.6)
                             The Human Action is recognized by means of PCA method in which the video is converted to frames and then converted into silhouettes using background subtraction technique. Then from the silhouettes the MHI for each action sequence is calculated and the actions are recognized.My contribution in this project was to convert video to frame and perform Background Subtraction in the frame.

    Achievements and Co-Curricular activities:
·         Trained in Java/J2EEand Java Server Faces Framework for 6 months.
·         Presented paper on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in National Level Technical Symposium and got first prize.
·         Secured second place in debugging contest.
·         Secured First place in code mixing contest
·         Participated in National Level workshop on Ethical Hacking.
·         Secured First place in IVth Semester University Examinations
·          Secured Third place in Essay writing competition held in our college twice.
·          Completed INPLANT Training at ALL INDIA RADIO.
·          Member of Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE).
·          Member of ISTD.

   Personal Data:

Date of Birth
21 July 1989
Father’s Name
K N Roy
Linguistic Proficiency
English, Tamil
Permanent Address

12/1 Loyala Road,
Chennai-601 032.
Tamilnadu State.

                                 I  here  by  declare  that  all  the  information  mentioned  above are  true  and  correct to the best of my knowledge.                        

Place : Chennai                                                                                                 Yours Sincerely,
Date  :                                                                                                                 ( Raju Chacha) 

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